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Milan Lasica

Director, Actor, Writer

Pribina Cross II, Conferred in 2005, Slovakia​


Michal Ciprich, Evanjelické lýceum, Bratislava, Slovakia

Denis Roštár, Pankúchova High School, Bratislava, Slovakia

In the TIME FOR WORDS Challenge I got a chance to interview five famous and successful Slovak actors and celebrities. It was the most mind-opening experience I have experienced in all the 19 years of my life. Let me tell you something from what I learned:

Milan Lasica, a legendary figure in Slovakia, actor, humorist and moderator spoke much with few words. He was also really funny. His values are honesty and persistence. He said that everything can be learned and overcome. It just demands time, energy and strong-mindedness.


Surprisingly, it is not good to be overly hard-working. When you care excessively, you are more likely to fail. It’s needed to be hard-working at times in life. But man must also know to relax.

The best thing school gave him were his classmates who influenced him and became friends for life.


Foolishly, youth doesn’t listen to advice from older generations and that’s because they think their words cannot possibly apply to this new modern world in which we are living today. But that is just foolishness.

Svetozár Ružička

Gymnázium Bilíkova

Bratislava, Slovakia

“Denis Roštár and myself met Milan Lasica after watching his play called “Listy Emilovi”. I enjoyed the play mostly because of its original humour but also because of the ease in which it was acted. It was filled with improvisation, lightheadedness not to mention the originality of the songs. After the play we had the opportunity to meet and talk to Mr. Lasica face to face. Despite the fact we didn’t have any questions prepared we had an inspiring conversation. Mr. Lasica told us about his beginnings, how he handles stress or what he does when something goes wrong on the stage and he needs to improvise. Overall I really did enjoy both - the play and the discussion that went afterwards.”


Michal Ciprich

Evanjelické lýceum

Bratislava, Slovakia

Prior to the meeting we were invited to a play in the L&S Studio, during which I was pleasantly surprised by the humor of the play and the performances. Milan's ability to improvise accompanied by witty remarks showed his love for what he does. In an interview he admitted that one of the main reasons why he became an actor was the pleasant feeling of being able to make an audience laugh. This is more relevant than you might think at first as it reveals how important it really is to be willing to give something positive to people around."


Denis Roštár

Gymnázium Pankúchova

Bratislava, Slovakia

Here is my reaction to the interviews with famous people I have been part of. To interview with Mr. Milan Lasica: Take life as it is. Don't expect much. Don't hesitate to pursue what you want.

Marek Nagy

Gymnázium, Grösslingová

Bratislava, Slovakia




TIME FOR WORDS, s.r.o. | Partizánska 9 | 81103 Bratislava | Slovakia, EU | Tel: +421 948 039 013  | 

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